When it comes to discussing President Obama’s legacy, where one falls along the political spectrum often matters more than actually policy. That being said, many on both the Left and the Right have assumed the Affordable Care Act would be the President’s most defining moment.
As his time in the Oval Office draws to a close, however, other concerns have also emerged as paramount. One of those—meaningfully addressing climate change—has spawned a round of new energy initiatives that help promote solar power as a path to cutting emissions to curb climate change. Over $1 billion in government funds has been set aside to fund clean energy and research clean energy technologies, and that’s just the beginning.
The Solar (R)Evolution
Slowly but surely, solar power has been gaining much more than a foothold throughout the American economy. All last year, every three-week period saw the U.S. increase its solar energy capacity by as much as it did during the entirety of 2008. And while the jobs outlook is improving overall, the solar sector still added jobs at a rate ten times faster than the rest of the economy. In a surprise twist, the solar industry now employs more people than coal.
It’s a welcome change, and the President has assisted it. Now, he’s seeking to both shore it up and advance it before he leaves office.
Solar and the Department of Defense
One way in which Obama is continuing to push solar energy initiatives is in the creation of a DOD Privatized Housing Solar Challenge. Over 60,000 DOD housing units have had solar panels installed across the country to the tune of roughly 72 MWs of solar energy production. Not only does that effort save military families money, but it also creates more energy-secure military communities.
The Interagency Task Force
In addition to working to increase all Americans’ access to solar power energy, the president has also created an interagency task force. The Interagency Task Force to Promote a Clean Energy Future for All Americans exists to address the energy needs of those Americans most likely to be negatively affected by climate change. It will work with states and organizations specifically to increase energy efficiency and deployment in low- and middle-income communities.
The task force includes people from the Department of Energy, the Executive Office, the EPA, the Treasury and more. From leveraging solar and wind energy incentives on behalf of lower-income communities to identifying private sector partnerships that can improve funding, the hope is greater energy independence among those least likely to afford to gain that independence themselves.
Low-Cost Solar To Go Higher-Tech
The president has also set aside $24 million for 11 different projects in seven different states that focus on developing even more innovative solar technologies. Specifically, the goal is to double how much energy a solar panel can produce, while further reducing the space required to do so and the panel’s overall cost.
Love him or loathe him, President Obama’s commitment to solar power and curbing climate change is real. Through these solar initiatives and others like them, the possibilities of cleaner energy and a more secure climate and planet come more sharply into focus.
As far as legacies go, that’s pretty good.
If you’d like to find out how installing solar panels on your roof can help you drive your electric bill down to zero, contact us today for a free quote.