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May 24, 2022

Solar for Self-Storage: What You Should Know


Solar installations have grown tremendously in the last decade and many self-storage operators are wondering if solar is a fit for their facilities. In our experience, while solar may not be a fit for all self-storage operators, it is a great option for many. Here are a few things to know as you embark on your own solar journey.

Benefits for self-storage operators

Installing solar on a self-storage facility can create both tangible and intangible benefits. In particular, these installations can help improve operators’ bottom lines and increase public approval and loyalty.

Some of the best-known benefits of installing commercial solar are rebates and tax incentives. From federal to municipal, there are a variety of programs to help your business transition to greater energy independence. A knowledgeable solar rep can help you navigate the benefits available in your area.

Your company may also be able to reduce your energy costs. Utility rates are rising in many regions while solar costs are dropping. Together, this means you may be able to decrease total energy costs and reduce variability in your budgets.

Finally, installing solar can improve your facility’s local image. 88% of respondents in a 2018 study said they would like brands to help them be more sustainable. Differentiating your facility with clean energy may help you gain and retain customers and build rapport with your surrounding community.

How to get started

While embarking on a solar project may seem like a big undertaking, getting started is simple and an experienced solar installer can be a helpful guide.

One of the easiest, and most important, steps in getting started is estimating your facility’s energy usage. If possible, gather your last year of energy bills and calculate a monthly average.Ā  Or, if you are already working with a Sunworks representative, you can give them access to your utility data here and they will help you create an accurate picture of your data usage.

Another thing to think about as you begin is whether or not your facility can benefit from other upgrades. Installing solar can be a great opportunity to increase the energy efficiency of other parts of your facility while potentially qualifying for more incentives. Deductions, expensing, and/or rebates for roof repairs and HVAC systems are often available through federal, state, or municipal programs. Again, a reliable solar company may have insights on your options.


Self-storage facilities today have more reason than ever for greening their operations and, while it may not be a fit for everyone, solar can help many operators achieve their goals. Understanding your unique facility, budget, and energy needs is a great way to get started on your solar journey. To learn more about the best solar solution for your self storage operation, call 866-600-6800 or get a free solar quote online.

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